Source code for ptk.parser

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# (c) Jérôme Laheurte 2015-2019
# See LICENSE.txt

import functools
import collections
import logging
import re

from ptk.lexer import ProgressiveLexer, EOF, token, LexerPosition
from ptk.grammar import Grammar, Production, GrammarError
# production is only imported so that client code doesn't have to import it from grammar
from ptk.grammar import production # pylint: disable=W0611
from ptk.utils import Singleton, callbackByName, memoize

[docs]class ParseError(Exception): """ Syntax error when parsing. :ivar token: The unexpected token. """ def __init__(self, grammar, tok, state, tokens): self.token = tok super().__init__('Unexpected token "%s" (%s) in state "%s"' % (tok.value, tok.type, sorted(state))) self._state = state self._expecting = set() for terminal in grammar.tokenTypes(): if grammar.__actions__.get((state, terminal), None) is not None: self._expecting.add(terminal) self._tokens = tokens @property def position(self): return self.token.position
[docs] def expecting(self): """ Returns a set of tokens types that would have been valid in input. """ return self._expecting
[docs] def state(self): """ Returns the parser state when the error was encountered. """ return self._state
[docs] def lastToken(self): """ Returns the last valid token seen before this error """ return self._tokens[-1]
[docs] def tokens(self): """ Returns all tokens seen """ return self._tokens
[docs]def leftAssoc(*operators): """ Class decorator for left associative operators. Use this to decorate your :py:class:`Parser` class. Operators passed as argument are assumed to have the same priority. The later you declare associativity, the higher the priority; so the following code .. code-block:: python @leftAssoc('+', '-') @leftAssoc('*', '/') class MyParser(LRParser): # ... declares '+' and '-' to be left associative, with the same priority. '*' and '/' are also left associative, with a higher priority than '+' and '-'. See also the *priority* argument to :py:func:`production`. """ def _wrapper(cls): cls.__precedence__.insert(0, ('left', set(operators))) return cls return _wrapper
[docs]def rightAssoc(*operators): """ Class decorator for right associative operators. Same remarks as :py:func:`leftAssoc`. """ def _wrapper(cls): cls.__precedence__.insert(0, ('right', set(operators))) return cls return _wrapper
[docs]def nonAssoc(*operators): """ Class decorator for non associative operators. Same remarks as :py:func:`leftAssoc`. """ def _wrapper(cls): cls.__precedence__.insert(0, ('non', set(operators))) return cls return _wrapper
class _StartState(metaclass=Singleton): __reprval__ = '\u03A3' class _ResolveError(Exception): pass @functools.total_ordering class _Item(object): __slots__ = ('production', 'dot', 'terminal', 'index', 'shouldReduce', 'expecting') def __init__(self, prod, dot, terminal): self.production = prod = dot self.terminal = terminal self.index = None self.shouldReduce = == len(self.production.right) self.expecting = None if self.shouldReduce else self.production.right[] def next(self): """ Returns an item with the dot advanced one position """ return _Item(self.production, + 1, self.terminal) def hasPrefix(self, *tokens): """ Return True if the passed sequence of token types appears right before the dot """ if len(tokens) > return False for tok1, tok2 in zip(self.production.right[ - len(tokens)], tokens): if tok1 != tok2: return False return True def __repr__(self): symbols = list(self.production.right) symbols.insert(, '\u2022') return '%s -> %s (%s)' % (, ' '.join([repr(sym) for sym in symbols]), self.terminal) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.production,, self.terminal) == (other.production,, other.terminal) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.production,, self.terminal) < (other.production,, other.terminal) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.production,, self.terminal)) class _Accept(BaseException): def __init__(self, result): self.result = result super().__init__() _StackItem = collections.namedtuple('_StackItem', ['state', 'value', 'position']) class _Shift(object): def __init__(self, newState): self.newState = newState def doAction(self, grammar, stack, tok): # pylint: disable=W0613 stack.append(_StackItem(self.newState, tok.value, tok.position)) return True class _Reduce(object): def __init__(self, item): self.item = item self.nargs = len(item.production.right) def doAction(self, grammar, stack, tok): # pylint: disable=W0613 pos, (callback, kwargs) = self._getCallback(stack) self._applied(grammar, stack, callback(grammar, **kwargs), pos) return False def _applied(self, grammar, stack, prodVal, position): stack.append(_StackItem(grammar.goto(stack[-1].state,, prodVal, position)) def _getCallback(self, stack): if self.nargs: args = [stackItem.value for stackItem in stack[-self.nargs:]] pos = stack[-self.nargs].position stack[-self.nargs:] = [] else: args = [] pos = stack[-1].position # Hum. return pos, self.item.production.apply(args, pos)
[docs]class LRParser(Grammar): """ LR(1) parser. This class is intended to be used with a lexer class derived from :py:class:`LexerBase`, using inheritance; it overrides :py:func:`LexerBase.newToken` so you must inherit from the parser first, then the lexer: .. code-block:: python class MyParser(LRParser, ReLexer): # ... """ def __init__(self): # pylint: disable=R0914,R0912 super().__init__() self._restartParser() def rstack(self): return reversed(self.__stack) def newToken(self, tok): try: for action, stack in self._processToken(tok): if action.doAction(self, stack, tok): break self.__tokens.append(tok) except _Accept as exc: self._restartParser() return self.newSentence(exc.result) def currentLRState(self): for item in self.__stack[-1].state: return item.index def _processToken(self, tok): while True: action = self.__actions__.get((self.__stack[-1].state, tok.type), None) if action is None: raise ParseError(self, tok, self.__stack[-1].state, self.__tokens) yield action, self.__stack
[docs] def newSentence(self, sentence): # pragma: no cover """ This is called when the start symbol has been reduced. :param sentence: The value associated with the start symbol. """ raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def _createProductionParser(cls, name, priority, attrs): return ProductionParser(callbackByName(name), priority, cls, attrs) @classmethod def _createReduceAction(cls, item): return _Reduce(item) @classmethod def _createShiftAction(cls, state): return _Shift(state) @classmethod def prepare(cls): for prod in if is _StartState: break else: def acceptor(_, result): raise _Accept(result) prod = Production(_StartState, acceptor) prod.addSymbol(cls._defaultStartSymbol() if cls.startSymbol is None else cls.startSymbol, name='result') cls.__productions__.insert(0, prod) cls.startSymbol = _StartState super().prepare() states, goto = cls.__computeStates(prod) reachable = cls.__computeActions(states, goto) logger = logging.getLogger('LRParser') cls.__resolveConflicts(logger) usedTokens = set([symbol for state, symbol in cls.__actions__.keys() if symbol is not EOF]) if usedTokens != cls.tokenTypes(): # pragma: no cover logger.warning('The following tokens are not used: %s', ','.join([repr(sym) for sym in sorted(cls.tokenTypes() - usedTokens)])) if reachable != cls.nonterminals(): # pragma: no cover logger.warning('The following nonterminals are not reachable: %s', ','.join([repr(sym) for sym in sorted(cls.nonterminals() - reachable)])) # Reductions only need goto entries for nonterminals cls._goto = dict([((state, symbol), newState) for (state, symbol), newState in goto.items() if symbol not in cls.tokenTypes()]) parts = list() if cls.nSR: parts.append('%d shift/reduce conflicts' % cls.nSR) if cls.nRR: parts.append('%d reduce/reduce conflicts' % cls.nRR) if parts: logger.warning(', '.join(parts)) # Cast to tuple because sets are not totally ordered for index, state in enumerate([tuple(cls._startState)] + sorted([tuple(state) for state in states if state != cls._startState])): logger.debug('State %d', index) for item in sorted(state): logger.debug(' %s', item) item.index = index cls.__lrstates__.append(sorted(state))'%d states.', len(states)) @classmethod def __computeStates(cls, start): allSyms = list(cls.tokenTypes() | cls.nonterminals()) goto = list() cls._startState = frozenset([_Item(start, 0, EOF)]) states = set([cls._startState]) stack = [cls._startState] while stack: state = stack.pop() stateClosure = cls.__itemSetClosure(state) for symbol in allSyms: # Compute goto(symbol, state) nextState = frozenset([ for item in stateClosure if item.expecting == symbol]) if nextState: goto.append(((state, symbol), nextState)) if nextState not in states: states.add(nextState) stack.append(nextState) return states, dict(goto) @classmethod def __computeActions(cls, states, goto): cls.__actions__ = dict() reachable = set() tokenTypes = cls.tokenTypes() for state in states: for item in cls.__itemSetClosure(state): if item.shouldReduce: action = cls._createReduceAction(item) reachable.add( cls.__addReduceAction(state, item.terminal, action) else: symbol = item.production.right[] if symbol in tokenTypes: cls.__addShiftAction(state, symbol, cls._createShiftAction(goto[(state, symbol)])) return reachable @classmethod def __shouldPreferShift(cls, logger, reduceAction, symbol):'Shift/reduce conflict for "%s" on "%s"', reduceAction.item, symbol) prodPrecedence = reduceAction.item.production.precedence(cls) tokenPrecedence = cls.terminalPrecedence(symbol) # If both precedences are specified, use priority/associativity if prodPrecedence is not None and tokenPrecedence is not None: prodAssoc, prodPrio = prodPrecedence tokenAssoc, tokenPrio = tokenPrecedence if prodPrio > tokenPrio:'Resolving in favor of reduction because of priority') return False if prodPrio < tokenPrio:'Resolving in favor of shift because of priority') return True if prodAssoc == tokenAssoc: if prodAssoc == 'non':'Resolving in favor of error because of associativity') raise _ResolveError() if prodAssoc == 'left':'Resolving in favor of reduction because of associativity') return False'Resolving in favor of shift because of associativity') return True # At least one of those is not specified; use shift logger.warning('Could not disambiguate shift/reduce conflict for "%s" on "%s"; using shift' % (reduceAction.item, symbol)) cls.nSR += 1 return True @classmethod def __resolveConflicts(cls, logger): cls.nSR = 0 cls.nRR = 0 for (state, symbol), actions in sorted(cls.__actions__.items()): action = actions.pop() while actions: conflicting = actions.pop() try: action = cls.__resolveConflict(logger, action, conflicting, symbol) except _ResolveError: del cls.__actions__[(state, symbol)] break else: cls.__actions__[(state, symbol)] = action @classmethod def __resolveConflict(cls, logger, action1, action2, symbol): if isinstance(action2, _Shift): action1, action2 = action2, action1 if isinstance(action1, _Shift): # Shift/reduce return action1 if cls.__shouldPreferShift(logger, action2, symbol) else action2 # Reduce/reduce logger.warning('Reduce/reduce conflict between "%s" and "%s"', action1.item, action2.item) cls.nRR += 1 # Use the first one to be declared for prod in if prod == action1.item.production: logger.warning('Using "%s', prod) return action1 if prod == action2.item.production: logger.warning('Using "%s', prod) return action2 @classmethod def __addReduceAction(cls, state, symbol, action): cls.__actions__.setdefault((state, symbol), list()).append(action) @classmethod def __addShiftAction(cls, state, symbol, action): for existing in cls.__actions__.get((state, symbol), list()): if isinstance(existing, _Shift): return cls.__actions__.setdefault((state, symbol), list()).append(action) @classmethod def goto(cls, state, symbol): return cls._goto[(state, symbol)] def _restartParser(self): self.__stack = [_StackItem(self._startState, None, LexerPosition(1, 1))] self.__tokens = [] self.restartLexer() @classmethod @memoize def __itemSetClosure(cls, items): result = set(items) while True: prev = set(result) for item in [item for item in result if not item.shouldReduce]: symbol = item.production.right[] if symbol not in cls.tokenTypes(): terminals = cls.first(*tuple(item.production.right[ + 1:] + [item.terminal])) for prod in (prod for prod in if == symbol): for terminal in terminals: result.add(_Item(prod, 0, terminal)) if prev == result: break return result
[docs]class ProductionParser(LRParser, ProgressiveLexer): # pylint: disable=R0904 # pylint: disable=C0111,C0103,R0201 def __init__(self, callback, priority, grammarClass, attributes): # pylint: disable=R0915 self.callback = callback self.priority = priority self.grammarClass = grammarClass self.attributes = attributes super().__init__() @classmethod def prepare(cls, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=R0915 # Obviously cannot use @production here # When mixing async and sync parsers in the same program this may be called twice, # because AsyncProductionParser inherits from ProductionParser if return # DECL -> identifier "->" PRODS prod = Production('DECL', cls.DECL) prod.addSymbol('LEFT', 'left') prod.addSymbol('arrow') prod.addSymbol('PRODS', 'prods') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # LEFT -> identifier prod = Production('LEFT', cls.LEFT) prod.addSymbol('identifier', 'name') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # LEFT -> identifier "<" posarg ">" prod = Production('LEFT', cls.LEFT) prod.addSymbol('identifier', 'name') prod.addSymbol('lchev') prod.addSymbol('identifier', 'posarg') prod.addSymbol('rchev') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # PRODS -> P prod = Production('PRODS', cls.PRODS1) prod.addSymbol('P', 'prodlist') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # PRODS -> PRODS "|" P prod = Production('PRODS', cls.PRODS2) prod.addSymbol('PRODS', 'prods') prod.addSymbol('union') prod.addSymbol('P', 'prodlist') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # P -> P SYM prod = Production('P', cls.P1) prod.addSymbol('P', 'prodlist') prod.addSymbol('SYM', 'sym') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # P -> ɛ prod = Production('P', cls.P2) cls.__productions__.append(prod) # SYM -> SYMNAME PROPERTIES prod = Production('SYM', cls.SYM) prod.addSymbol('SYMNAME', 'symname') prod.addSymbol('PROPERTIES', 'properties') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # SYM -> SYMNAME repeat PROPERTIES prod = Production('SYM', cls.SYMREP) prod.addSymbol('SYMNAME', 'symname') prod.addSymbol('repeat', 'repeat') prod.addSymbol('PROPERTIES', 'properties') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # SYM -> SYMNAME repeat lparen identifier rparen PROPERTIES prod = Production('SYM', cls.SYMREP) prod.addSymbol('SYMNAME', 'symname') prod.addSymbol('repeat', 'repeat') prod.addSymbol('lparen') prod.addSymbol('identifier', 'separator') prod.addSymbol('rparen') prod.addSymbol('PROPERTIES', 'properties') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # SYM -> SYMNAME repeat lparen litteral rparen PROPERTIES prod = Production('SYM', cls.SYMREP_LIT) prod.addSymbol('SYMNAME', 'symname') prod.addSymbol('repeat', 'repeat') prod.addSymbol('lparen') prod.addSymbol('litteral', 'separator') prod.addSymbol('rparen') prod.addSymbol('PROPERTIES', 'properties') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # SYMNAME -> identifier prod = Production('SYMNAME', cls.SYMNAME1) prod.addSymbol('identifier', 'identifier') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # SYMNAME -> litteral prod = Production('SYMNAME', cls.SYMNAME2) prod.addSymbol('litteral', 'litteral') cls.__productions__.append(prod) # PROPERTIES -> ɛ prod = Production('PROPERTIES', cls.PROPERTIES1) cls.__productions__.append(prod) # PROPERTIES -> lchev identifier rchev prod = Production('PROPERTIES', cls.PROPERTIES2) prod.addSymbol('lchev') prod.addSymbol('identifier', 'name') prod.addSymbol('rchev') cls.__productions__.append(prod) super().prepare(**kwargs)
[docs] def newSentence(self, startSymbol): (name, posarg), prods = startSymbol for prod in prods: if is None: = name prod.posarg = posarg self.grammarClass.__productions__.extend(prods)
# Lexer
[docs] @staticmethod def ignore(char): return char in ' \t\n'
@token('->') def arrow(self, tok): pass @token('<') def lchev(self, tok): pass @token('>') def rchev(self, tok): pass @token(r'\|') def union(self, tok): pass @token(r'\*|\+|\?') def repeat(self, tok): pass @token(r'\(') def lparen(self, tok): pass @token(r'\)') def rparen(self, tok): pass @token('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*') def identifier(self, tok): pass @token(r'"|\'') def litteral(self, tok): class StringBuilder(object): def __init__(self, quotetype): self.quotetype = quotetype self.chars = list() self.state = 0 def feed(self, char): if self.state == 0: if char == '\\': self.state = 1 elif char == self.quotetype: return 'litteral', ''.join(self.chars) else: self.chars.append(char) elif self.state == 1: self.chars.append(char) self.state = 0 self.setConsumer(StringBuilder(tok.value)) # Parser def DECL(self, left, prods): name, posarg = left if name in self.grammarClass.tokenTypes(): raise GrammarError('"%s" is a token name and cannot be used as non-terminal' % name) return (left, prods) def LEFT(self, name, posarg=None): return (name, posarg) def PRODS1(self, prodlist): return prodlist def PRODS2(self, prods, prodlist): prods.extend(prodlist) return prods def P1(self, sym, prodlist): result = list() symbol, properties, repeat, sep = sym for prod in prodlist: if is None: if repeat is None: prod.addSymbol(symbol, name=properties.get('name', None)) result.append(prod) elif repeat == '?': if sep is not None: raise GrammarError('A separator makes no sense for "?"') self.__addAtMostOne(result, prod, symbol, properties.get('name', None)) elif repeat in ['*', '+']: self.__addList(result, prod, symbol, properties.get('name', None), repeat == '*', sep) else: result.append(prod) return result def __addAtMostOne(self, productions, prod, symbol, name): clone = prod.cloned() if name is not None: self._wrapCallbackNone(name, clone) productions.append(clone) prod.addSymbol(symbol, name=name) productions.append(prod) def _wrapCallbackNone(self, name, prod): previous = prod.callback def callback(*args, **kwargs): kwargs[name] = None return previous(*args, **kwargs) prod.callback = callback def __addList(self, productions, prod, symbol, name, allowEmpty, sep): class ListSymbol(metaclass=Singleton): __reprval__ = 'List(%s, "%s")' % (symbol, '*' if allowEmpty else '+') if allowEmpty: clone = prod.cloned() self._wrapCallbackEmpty(name, clone) productions.append(clone) prod.addSymbol(ListSymbol, name=name) productions.append(prod) listProd = Production(ListSymbol, self._wrapCallbackOne()) listProd.addSymbol(symbol, name='item') productions.append(listProd) listProd = Production(ListSymbol, self._wrapCallbackNext()) listProd.addSymbol(ListSymbol, name='items') if sep is not None: listProd.addSymbol(sep) listProd.addSymbol(symbol, name='item') productions.append(listProd) def _wrapCallbackEmpty(self, name, prod): previous = prod.callback def cbEmpty(*args, **kwargs): if name is not None: kwargs[name] = [] return previous(*args, **kwargs) prod.callback = cbEmpty def _wrapCallbackOne(self): def cbOne(_, item): return [item] return cbOne def _wrapCallbackNext(self): def cbNext(_, items, item): items.append(item) return items return cbNext def P2(self): # 'name' is replaced in newSentence() return [Production(None, self.callback, priority=self.priority, attributes=self.attributes)] def SYMNAME1(self, identifier): return identifier def SYMNAME2(self, litteral): name = litteral if name not in self.grammarClass.tokenTypes(): self.grammarClass.addTokenType(name, lambda s, tok: None, re.escape(name), None) return name def SYM(self, symname, properties): return (symname, properties, None, None) def SYMREP(self, symname, repeat, properties, separator=None): return (symname, properties, repeat, separator) def SYMREP_LIT(self, symname, repeat, properties, separator): if separator not in self.grammarClass.tokenTypes(): self.grammarClass.addTokenType(separator, lambda s, tok: None, re.escape(separator), None) return self.SYMREP(symname, repeat, properties, separator) def PROPERTIES1(self): return dict() def PROPERTIES2(self, name): return dict(name=name)